Young indians Noida Chapter in collaboration with Sanicon on a mission to save 10000 crore litres of water in one year.
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Register for the cost of a Pizza
And we will take care of the flow controller and its installation
Prices applicable for ₹ 1 Coin size tap nozzle. Oversize or undersized tap nozzle would be 150₹ extra chargeable per device
Certificate Of Sustainability
Mr Jitendra is a CEO at Kaane packaging. He has done his MBA from the University of sheffield United Kingdom. He was concerned about the increasing water crisis and chose to participate in a mission to save 10000 crore liters of water. Before installation of the flow controllers, the flow rate of his wash basin was measured. It was coming at 5 liters per minute. After installing the flow controllers it was brought down to 1.8 liters per minute. He was shocked and happy. Without sacrificing his comfort factor, he is saving almost 700 liters of water per day and more than 25 lac liters of water per year.
It was an eye opener to see how much water we were wasting everyday. I am very happy that We have now installed the flow controllers to save water. Now we are saving 360 Liters of Water per day and more than 1,31,400 Lac liters of water per year.
Mr Daman Mehta is the director of Twin Realty Pvt Ltd. The main focus of his reality business is with own and leased properties.Mr Mehta is concerned about increasing water crisis and chose to participate in a mission to save 10000 crore liters of water. He wanted to see his home and office as Water sustainable. Before Installation of the flow controllers, the flow rate of his wash basin was measured. It was coming at 13 liters per minute. Team mission gave him a surprise to reduce the flow rate from 13 lpm to 2 lpm in his home and 9 lpm to 2 lpm in his office. So he is saving more than 2000 liters of water per day and 3 06 650 lakh liters of water per year.
Mr Rakesh Saraf is an entrepreneur of import and export of data.He is very much concerned about increasing water crisis and chose to participate in a mission to save 10000 crore liters of water. Before installation of the flow controllers, the flow rate of his wash basin was measured. It was coming at 6 liters per minute. After installing the flow controllers it was brought down to 1.5 liters per minute. So without sacrificing his comfort he is saving almost 650 liters of water per day and more than 2.4 lakh liters of water per year.
Mr Gaurav is an entrepreneur and runs an NBFC. Enthusiastic at the age of 44, he was excited to choose the savings that such a small device can bring in. After installing a flow controller in his washbasin the flow rate was brought down to 1.8 liter/min from 6 liter/min. Saving more than 2,92,000 Lac liters of water per year. He is very proud to be a part of the mission.
Mira is a Noida based Impact Communication & Executive Presence Coach. Through her workshops and speaking engagements, she provides expert advice for effectively steering contemporary life situations From business networking arenas, boardroom force conversations to everyday social situations, She Was concerned about increasing water crisis and chose to participate in the mission to save 10000 core liters of water. Before installation of the flow controllers, the flow rate of her wash basin was measured. She was very surprised to learn that it’s consuming water @ 26 liters per minute. After installing the flow controllers it was brought down to 3 liters per minute. Saving almost 700 liters of Water per day more than 125 lac liters of water per year
Ms Hem Lata is a government professional. She is very much concerned about the environment. She has left one room just for plantation. She was aware that her kitchen tap was consuming a lot of water. When she came to know about the Mission to save 10000 crore liters of water, she immediately registered. Before installation of the flow controllers, the flow rate of her wash basin was measured, it was 9.5 liters per min. After installing the flow controllers it was brought down to 3.5 liters/ min. Saving almost 240 liters of water per day and more than 87,600 Lac liters of water per year.
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